• Overview
  • Trip plan
  • Trip Includes
  • Trip Excludes
  • Booking

Day one:  Travel to Mgahinga gorilla national park

Day two:  Gorilla tracking and golden monkeys

Day three: Hiking Sabinyo

Day four:  Travel back to Kampala

On this 4 days tour, you will see gorillas, golden monkeys and hike Sabinyo. At the peak of Sabinyo, you get to be in 3 nations at ago. Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. At the peak you will have a beautiful scenery.


Day 1

Travel to Mgahinga gorilla National Park

Shall set off from Kampala to Mgahinga national park. This journey will take us 9 hours on road. Will have some stopovers for lunch and stretching
On arrival you shall check in to your booked accommodation.

Day 2

Gorilla tracking and golden monkeys

Early in the morning after breakfast, shall head to the park headquarters forbriefing. After shall set off tracking down the rare and magnificent mountain gorillas, and taking a trek to spot the unique golden monkeys that thrive in the bamboo forests. The park has just one habituated gorilla group, the Nyakagezi family, which is known to wander around the Virunga Conservation Area, which spans three countries: Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Rwanda. Uganda has been their primary residences for many years now.

Tracking down the golden monkeys of Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is comparatively easier, since there are 40 to 60 individuals in the park that are habituated to human presence. As you follow the bamboo forest trails on your way to locating the primates, you will have the opportunity to view some of the incredible 115 species of avian life that live in the region. The expert guides accompanying you will help identify some of the species you see.
When the gorillas are spotted you will have a moment with them. Will observe thwre life style will take some pictires from a distance.
If time permits shall have a cultural tour in the Batwa community.

Day 3

Hiking sabinyo

After an early breakfast, shall assemble at the park headquarters for briefing then shall go to start on the hiking.This hike to and from the peak will take 8 hours.
Of the three volcanoes of Virunga Mountains, Mount Sabinyo is possibly the most challenging. The local people also call it “Old Man’s Teeth,” a reflection of how time has chipped away at the top of the volcano, producing a serrated top in contrast to the perfect cones of the other volcanoes. Your tour guide on the hike will offer you the opportunity to attempt three peaks of the cone. You can begin your trek on the eastern slope and follow the ridge that takes you to Peak 3. At the top, you will be rewarded with superb views of the vales of Uganda and Rwanda. The hike up peak 3 is the most strenuous, and also involves climbing ladders to reach the top.

Once you arrive at the apex, the breath taking 360-degree panoramas reaching into three nations—Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo—make the effort every bit worth it. Make sure to have at least two to three litres of water to keep your body hydrated, and wear altitude clothing that covers you completely for protection from the cool and damp environs of the mountain. Porters are also available to assist you by carrying your equipment for this vacation excursion. At the end you shall meet your drive at the park headquarters and take you back to your lodge for dinner and over night stay

Day 4

Back to Kampala

After breakfast shall pack your bags back to Kampala thus end of trip

4x4 Tour vehicle Park entry fees 1 gorilla permit per individual meals and accommodation
Tips and porterage personal insurance Laundry
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